A person holding a small house in their hands.

Home & Auto

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Protecting More: Home & Auto Insurance

It’s imperative to protect the things that bring our families shelter and safely transport us through our daily lives. But, the rising costs of insurance paired with the general confusion of selecting the right plan leaves some people overwhelmed or worse…not properly protected. Fergurson Insurance Agency, Inc. will work with you and our top-rated carrier network to find the perfect option for your home and auto coverage needs.

Home Insurance FAQs

What Are My Home Insurance Options?

A standard home insurance policy covers four key areas—the physical structure, your personal belongings, temporary living expenses, and liability protection. There are minimum requirements for all home insurance policies, but you can always add additional coverage (e.g., jewelry insurance or equipment breakdown add-ons).

Am I Required to Do a Home Inventory Audit With My Policy?

While not required, a current home inventory on file will go a long way in a future claim. Fortunately, some great apps are available for download to your smartphone that will help you organize your listings. Two of our favorites are Sortly and Encircle Home Inventory. Both are free and available for iPhone and Android!

How Do I Bring My Premiums Down?

Short answer? Bundle! Typically, if you insure both home and auto with the same insurance carriers, you’ll save quite a few dollars. There are also discounts for seniors, those who have a newly constructed home, homes with new roofs, and more!

What Are My Auto Insurance Options?

  • Liability Insurance
    Covers bodily injury and property damage to others
  • Collision Insurance
    Covers physical damage to your vehicle caused by accidents
  • Medical Payment Coverage
    Covers medical coverage for you and your passengers
  • Comprehensive Coverage
    Covers physical damage to your vehicle caused by theft, vandalism, hail and falling objects
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage
    Covers medical expenses, pain and suffering, and loss of wages for you if you’re in an accident with someone who does not have insurance or very low amounts of coverage
  • Additional Coverage Options
    Enhance standard policies with coverage for towing and labor, car rental loan/lease coverage, and more.
A close up of the back end of a car

Does Comprehensive Insurance Cover Everything?

While many people refer to comprehensive insurance as “full coverage,” there really is no such policy. Comprehensive coverage is an add-on, so it does not cover everything.

A keyboard with the word " insurance " on it.

Should I Choose Liability-Only Insurance?

Liability-only insurance usually has the lowest premium because it’s the minimum amount of car insurance most states require to drive legally. Liability insurance only protects you if you’re at fault in an accident by paying for bodily injury or property damage to others—leaving you personally responsible for the damage to your vehicle and any claims above your policy limit.

How Does Collision Insurance Differ From Liability Insurance?

Collision insurance covers damages to your vehicle should you be in an accident. If your car is leased or financed, most banks will require this level of coverage. This insurance is helpful, but there may be a point where it makes sense to drop collision insurance (i.e., you possess the financial means to easily replace your car).

A woman and man signing papers on the hood of their car.
A red jeep is parked in the snow.

How Do I Get the Best Coverage and Premiums?

Fergurson Insurance Agency, Inc. will search our network of top-rated insurance carriers to give you comparison quotes on the best level of auto coverage, premiums, and deductibles for you. We’ll walk you through the best options and help you select the perfect coverage for your home, auto, or bundle.

There’s so much more to home & auto coverage than fulfilling a bank loan requirement, and there are many ways to help you save thousands of dollars.

Get free home and auto insurance quotes from multiple carriers to see how much you can save with Fergurson Insurance Agency, Inc.!


Life insurance is not a one-plan-fits-all-all scenario. There are quite a few different options, premiums, and benefit payouts to choose from. The option that is best for you? Well, that, too, may change as life situations and overall goals change. Fergurson Insurance Agency, Inc. will help you navigate the many options and guide you to the best plan and benefit levels to protect the financial future of those you love.

A person holding their hands over the top of a paper cut out family.
A paper cut out of a house with people and cars in the grass.

Do I Need Life Insurance?

If someone relies on you and your income (and you don’t have enough savings), you definitely need life insurance. However, there are also many other reasons to purchase a life insurance policy. This could include:

  • You want to use your life insurance to pay off your mortgage if something happens to you.
  • You need a life insurance policy to replace your income and help support surviving family members.
    You want your life insurance policy to cover any final expenses, so it isn’t a hardship on your family.
  • You want a life insurance policy to help with estate planning and increase the amount that will be left to your family members.
  • You want to make a charitable gift with your life insurance payout.

Which Life Insurance Policy Should I Get?

You’ve probably heard about some of the life insurance plans already. Term life is universal life. And while they are two of the top sellers, they just scratch the surface of all the life insurance plans available. Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the key plans Fergurson Insurance Agency, Inc. will help you explore:

Universal Life Insurance
A highly flexible, permanent plan that provides a guaranteed death benefit and strong cash accumulation.

Term Life Insurance
The most inexpensive way to get a large amount of life insurance coverage. Level death benefit term periods with guaranteed level premiums for 10, 15, 20, or 30 years. Coverage expires at age 95.

Preferred Whole Life Insurance
Fully guaranteed traditional whole life insurance plan with five premium options. Choose from Single Premium Whole Life, Annual Whole Life, 10 Pay Life, 20 Pay Life, and Life Paid Up at 65. Medical underwriting is required for the preferred rate.

Simplified Issue Whole Life Insurance
Traditional whole life insurance with five premium options. Choose from Single Premium Whole Life, Annual Whole Life, 10 Pay Life, 20 Pay Life, and Life Paid Up at 65. Guaranteed cash values and premiums.

Transitional Life Insurance
Provides a high-level life insurance benefit during the years you need it the most and ends with a guaranteed, paid-up policy that will be there for the rest of your life.

Graded Death Benefit Whole Life Insurance
Traditional whole life insurance plan with four premium options. Choose from Annual Whole Life, 10 Pay Life, 20 Pay Life, and Life Paid Up at 65. Guaranteed cash values and premiums.

Single Premium Whole Life Insurance
Increases the legacy you leave to your children or grandchildren. The death benefit is tax-free.

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

There are quite a few factors that figure into how much life insurance you need, but Fergurson Insurance Agency, Inc. can help guide you in the right direction. Some of the questions we will ask you include: how much debt do you have, how much do you save and spend each month, what are your long-term financial goals (including retirement and education expenses for your kids), and how much money will those you leave behind need without your income? You can also get an idea of the level of coverage you need by using this life insurance calculator.

Get free life insurance quotes from multiple carriers. You’ll be surprised at how affordable your premiums can be.

A life insurance policy is written on top of the paper.
A group of people sitting around a table talking.

Health / Med Sup

For many, health insurance is offered through their employer. But as more people choose self-employment, cut back to part-time, work for small businesses, or look at retiring early, health insurance quickly becomes a hot topic and one you need to figure out. Fortunately, you’re not alone in the journey. Fergurson Insurance Agency, Inc. will help you shop hundreds of plans on the market to figure out which network, premiums, deductibles, and co-payments are best for you.

Do I Qualify for a Marketplace Health Plan?

If you don’t have insurance through your employer or another group, you can purchase a health plan through the Marketplace—regardless of your medical history. Fergurson Insurance Agency, Inc. will work with you to understand what the Affordable Care Act means to you and which options are available.

We do have a few tips, though. First, you have to purchase your selected coverage during the open enrollment period (typically November–January) or qualify for a special enrollment period through certain events like losing your existing health insurance. Second, you need to find out if you have any subsidies or cost-sharing available to you. This will help you know if you purchase on or off the exchange and can save you quite a bit of money each month in premiums.

A group of people sitting at a table with papers.
A group of people holding hands in the middle of a circle.

I Have Medicare. Why Do I Need Supplemental Insurance?

While Medicare helps those over 65 cover some of their healthcare costs, it won’t cover everything. Medicare Supplement Insurance helps close the gaps between what you need and what the government will pay without straining your budget. Plan F is typically the most popular as it covers all deductibles and coinsurance for you. But there are other options available as well. Fergurson Insurance Agency, Inc. will help you work through all the supplemental plans available and determine which option is best for you.

Can I Add a Health Savings Account to Any Plan?

Unfortunately, no. Health Savings are specific to eligible insurance plans. But they are a great way to keep your insurance costs down. Health Savings Accounts are high-deductible plans that are paired with an HSA. While you do need to have some cash stashed up here for when medical expenses come your way, the nice thing about a Health Savings Account is that you get to save and pay for medical expenses tax-free. These funds also carry over year after year (unlike flex spending accounts, where you lose money not spent). It’s a nice feature that allows you to save for future expenses.

Get free health and Medicare supplemental insurance quotes from multiple carriers from Fergurson Insurance Agency, Inc.

A woman serving food to people at an outdoor table.